We can save the 2024 election from going down the wrong pathway
by not choosing the wrong candidate!
How many will participate and stand on the right pathway that governs the political arena in a godly manner. This web page will separate the ideology of what is right and wrong. Also, it is hoped to change the minds of those who are not even considering voting to vote.
Hello and welcome to God's defense plan to survive the assault on democracy. Do you have enough courage to finish this book, or will you let it weigh like a dead branch on a tree until it falls and becomes dust?
I would like to acknowledge to the readers this presentation was being released on Sunday, July 21, 2024, before I knew that the president had decided to stop his pursuit for the White House. If it would have been Monday, I would have released this. But I had to add this additional information within.
On Sunday, July 21st, we were all given breaking news. Now that Joe Biden is out and endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris in the same scenario, we're going to stop the negative principles of darkness that the ex-president no. 45 has been sharing can stop, as long as he knows that he is not fighting the principles of darkness anymore with the blindness of people. That was on his side at one time, but now he must look to the light that others need to share with him! If he decides to turn his demonic logic principles of darkness in or trade them in for a new way of existing in the earthly body as a spiritual being.
It seems as if things got even better because of the status of Joe Biden stepping back. I say this because Kamala is a woman, and there are some women who are towerists, but there is no comparison to men. Therefore, you know you are not getting anything that has a level of blind non truth spewing venom throughout existence.
Personally, I think Hillary should have won against Trump. Now he gets a chance to run against another woman. Let's see what happens because times are changing. This time he does not have the same dirt and garbage that he's slinging and spewing against this new opponent. People like Trump become professional babblers who have a way of not being understood at the same time people want to understand. It is a part of the towerist trait, which is a sickness that leaves anyone to a level of having the Tower of Babylon taken down and can't understand each other? I say that because people act as if they cannot hear lies, bigotry, deceitfulness, and sick states of existence by putting it into people's minds!
As Bill Withers says looks like it's going to be (or should be) a lovely day. Could it be time for a changing of the guard and a female president in the White House? What I say about that is Amen and Hallelujah.
We will title this new presence of information a Trojan horse of peace. This book we are referring to now is like the Trojan horse. It is the wisdom that gives you the strength to know how to become a David to slay the Goliath that may be inside of you. In other words, bringing down a big problem that you may not be able to without God's power, knowledge, and truth!
The Trojan horse of peace can be known as the ride that will lead you into the light of truth in God's blessings.
Bingo bango how can we get untangled? Listen to the message it will bring you to a new realization that love can untangle this weave of the web of darkness! To learn more about it there is a book titled, A Trojan Horse of Peace. It can be found at BTHPM.
The Trump is running a political Ponzi con on the people. We find ourselves vulnerable to the people who make us feel good, even though they are bad for us and this is a perfect example.
I’m not saying they are all bad, but what can happen is they have a way of trapping themselves in darkness and putting others in there with them. Satan gives them a way of attracting people to their own human ego, that entraps them in their towerist presence and people want to look inside to get as close as they can to it. It is like looking over a cliff and falling, but not getting hurt it seems like! No matter how the person is acting, it is like a perfect storm of craziness to follow as if people become storm chasers who may become storm makers one day, in one way or another, if we look at their true track record!
If we look at the integrity of a person who can take a step down out of power to create a way to give people more understanding of their truth. This puts them in a perspective of not being a towerist (a greedy self-centered individual), but a loving, caring, honest, truthful, person, who God has shone his light through and toward others.
If the book that I have just written (that you're reading) with the Holy Spirit, you may not know but it has a part in here where it looks like I am in a web of entanglement that has a lie in it. I own up to it as a mistake that I made. But listen to this and maybe you can help figure out what's going on.
Will I get criticized or will I get appreciated for it? If there is a ring of truth to it, then I get both. Which one would outweigh the other? I say that the ex-president told 34 lies when they had the first debate. It was a dozen or more. I entangled the facts. Now I will get criticized and thrown under a bus because of that. I had a miscalculation of the truth. Will folks understand that I am human, and I can make a mistake and apologize for it? Some people make mistakes and do not even want to apologize for it. This is a what I call a Jim Jones sin-drome. It is like drinking the kool-aid of sin and do not say anything about it. Do not think twice about it, just enjoy it. What kind of darkness is this? The kind that God does not allow into his kingdom process of growing.
Therefore, we should take heed and take flight to another land in our own atmosphere, because the atmosphere we are in has been tainted. We thought it had some purity to it but it does not. No matter how it looks, no matter who it has in his corner or how it wants to present you with this practice of paganism, as if it is a place where they serve up witch’s brew and warlock stew. The people are eating it raw and drinking it unfiltered.
What is really going on is people are becoming trapped and not true to the reality that they are living in. They use others as their excuse to find a way out. Life has its ways of putting people in places that they do not want to be. They then want others to blame that they are in that place. Now some people want to believe there are ways out using tactics that are not of a godly measure. With the dollars the ex-president will use any kind of tactic he can to run others into the blindness that keeps them blind. It is crazy but they will be that way because they are mad, acting as if they must have this kind of blindness in their pathway! We all have a dark spot in our nature and sometimes it can try to keep us in an ungodly place. That is why the Lord said come to his truth and light to bring you out of darkness. People think that others are their truth and light, and they will bring them out of darkness, oh what a fallacy.
The fact of the matter is someone must leave. Do not only look at Donald because he is not the only so-called towerist individual wanting to partner up with as many people as he can. They want to be a part of his building process that has so many people. Those people somewhat do not care because they say sometimes you must fall in a trap to know how to build a trap. That is why they are acting like they are falling into a tribal status to see if they can build a trap in other dimensions for others to get lost or trapped. This is the ugly part of what we call the dimension of a foxhole that is a sickness to set a snare for innocent people. Looking for the right direction, who have no direction that they find their governing purpose to be a part of that is unreal. The love that came throughout the world came to create more, not to put people in a position where they may die just because they are around them.
Some people can't stand the truth. If you know anyone who can't, please bring them to this place so they can find what true justice is. If we are put in a position now to save face with the American public, especially in a sense of honoring who deserves to be in the White House as president, then lend me your ear.
Welcome to this new level of truth that may not be as easy on people's ears as they would like. It may even cause a pricking in someone’s heart you could say!
Some people may need this intro before they even get to the book information others may not, it is up to you to make the choice to read it or not.
The Secret to how the 45th President can Lose the 2024 Election
(Opening a pathway to exit the state of towerism for the world!)
Time to know this old and new social arena created by divine design.
There is so much tension and deception going on in the country and that is why we are now cleaning it up. We are revitalizing and refreshing it by making this presentation of information to end the negative issues of towerism that is running rampant throughout our nation. This curse is being moved into the outer limits of space in Jesus’ name we claim this. The people who read this will receive the understanding that the Lord wants you to have.
I was told by others that this may be too much for you to digest at one time so stop at times in your reading and come back and read more later. You alone will have to break because we do not want you to overload with too much to process. What is taking place can be like a miracle you are being a part of at the same time.
The pendulum of time has come back into existence. God's love is birthing a new presence of an illness to be understood to free humanity. It is the level of the Lord's love that cannot be contained. The judgment of Satan being over mankind's thinking process in an unwise way is now being erased. The dead soul sin-drome that leads to Satan’s dieconomie of killing is revealed. The revelation of this is to make sure people know that God has told Satan personally through this message to learn how he will show his people that they are free. In reference to the old passage that said, “let my people go,” this is another presence of God saying, “let my people go!”
This truth has come through the chosen messenger to bring forth this instrument of peace and love.
We are stoked about this process of growing. We can only say that this is dedicated to the children in the world of which we are caregivers.
Some may say this is our last line of defense to win the election and stop the trumpitis that is taking hold to America and affecting it with his ungodly principles and ethics. It is now being camouflaged over people. They cannot identify with it because they are playing the “God has chosen us as the people and rulers” card. I said it clear, not government employees, but the “wanna be” rulers of America who are truly trying to stop us from becoming one democracy.
We cannot be like sitting ducks in the water. We must take to the skies like eagles to fly to the highest point, making sure this message is spreading throughout the nation so we can stop this predecessor of darkness and his crew! We can use the wisdom we have and can appreciate it if all Americans vote. Know that this can be a peaceful drive without any of that unnecessary deadly force someone has used in the past.
Some may believe that this is a way to stop people from being the government’s hockey puck from now on.
The bottom line is the Lord has already put together enough information in the books that have been authored. It is time for you to help improve yourself and the state of our country to make it better. First, we must start getting rid of the curse.
This is where networks start. We will have to work through this and put what we need together and ignore what we do not need. There is only so much that I could use. We already got ourselves filled up, using mother nature's tools that create love from truth. So, I don't need any more than what we need to use that completes this new retreat using this whole level of news!
We are acknowledging and presenting this as titled, God is unfiltered, and this is the slingshot that puts President Biden back in the front of ex-president no. 45.
This is now known as damage control and repair central, to replace the lies in and out in front of people and remove them to the back with truth and dignity. This to create a prestigious new level of existence within the nation. You could consider this a part of God’s Pentagon of love!
This truth can be a pathway of the virtue that became a part of the victory of the people. Bro. Bush has been on the frontline as a street minister and has also shepherded over a house of God. This work has taken decades to put together the facts of the situation in the White House. So, we will never have to go through this situation again. We are looking at the best understanding all in part given to us with God's love.
The new website is a place that tells you where not just Americans went wrong but where the world in part took a wrong turn. I mean the influence on everyone in the world came through a sin that was committed from being disobedient in the Garden of Eden. First, that gave us blindness of sight. But to add insult to the injury, on one of the major levels it is just being born into sin. That is another excusable presence that we can end.
A specific thing that people were not able to become enlightened about was a pathway which developed from the darkness of not knowing right from wrong. That had to be matured out of an individual with the mistakes that come along with it. There is no need to make the same mistakes repeatedly, only a fool does that.
Getting back to where one of the major impacts that took place in humanity came about, it was in the disobedience of the people who were building the tower that was determined to see the Lord. It may not seem as if it was that big of a thing. Just because it was so many decades and centuries ago it seems as if it would not matter now. It does have a major impact on the world! It is causing so much chaos, corruption, destruction, and death. When you look at the bottom line to it and begin to grasp the foresight of it, it still exists today, in every human but to a level where it is somewhat non-existent in some people. In other words, it takes a horrendous effect on some people's lives being in a negative trend of existence because of it, by wanting to still build some kind of tower.
Some people still want to build some kind of tower in their hearts and minds. That is disobedient, because it is going against the Lord's principles. It overlooks his wishes in a sense and causes them to misplace a part of their spiritual preference of his reality. What can and does hurt our personal relationship with the Lord? I say it may be an unseen way that keeps us from being able to focus on what the Lord requires of us because of the miscalculation of greed and wanting to be in control of everything we do.
This keeps us stepping out of line and missing out on a part of the Lord's love and puts us in a level of spiritual poverty. That harms and hurts us in ways that we can’t possibly know at the time. But we can outgrow it because we understand it better than ever now. You see this is important study management that helps you grow your spiritual skills. That gives you blessings of the Lord, in many ways!
Can we acknowledge for others that it never works out, it just appears to. If we are heading down the pathway of not being honest or being right it is an optical illusion to keep people off balance to convince them in darkness. They have time to work their hand. The plan that Satan has in place that wants to make them feel like it is God's plan, but it is not.
I have explained this in books about this problem but now we need to take this part of the crook out of ourselves individually. But those who have wilded out with it now are in a position of pulling in others, causing disruption, chaos, and confusion, even though they have been put in the position of the so-called direct pathway to make it better for others. They are doing the same thing in another dimension of reality. That keeps others’ loss from reaching a certain plateau in their life.
The whole ideology of it is the dark side of its existence is to not allow others on the same level that they are on innocently, even though they may show an example or try to explain this when you go along with this all can share this together. At the same time, they are intertwined within their own towerist virtues that they cannot allow it. Yet they tried to perpetrate that they want to allow it and they want this to exist. Does this make any kind of bell go off in your head, with signals and warning signs?
Therefore, now we look at the darkness and we look at the existence of this major curse on humanity. It is now being removed thanks to God's revealing this unseen untouchable poison we are being healed from. That is like the presence of a carbon monoxide poisoning detector.
We found the curse. We came to a new realization of what needs to be done. But we also must know that those who have it may not know they have it because they have an ego that camouflages it for them, or within them. And that ego brings them to a new realization that it is good for them to be this way, or it is okay for them to be this way. It is not okay for them to be that way, especially if it affects others’ lives.
It is affiliated or affecting businesspeople, multimillion dollar celebrities, of course politicians, and those individuals who have grasped for the level of power that made someone want to feel as if they can't trust them. They may feel like, “I am to be trusted because look what I have obtained!”
In the different dimension they have that dark side that is a part of Satan sitting high up out of the way where he cannot be seen. He can do his due diligence on his misconduct on a level of reality that he may instill upon others who follow him or think that he is a great leader of some kind. You know the story, how all those millionaires have had to fall because of their immorality. Many of them took their own lives. They were trapped in the darkness they had no idea they were in. Satan had them and it can get anyone on that level.
That is why it may look one way in the towerist concept as we can see from the example of the ex-president 45. Oh, what a tangled web we weave because of us not knowing any other way but to deceive. Because it is understandable that we can now see how they mask their darkness. But like I say, it is the dark veil has been pulled off of this curse on those who play terrorists, towerists, and tyrants in the world are the triple T’s, with three levels of curse upon them. Now we have the first process of it being done in the United States of America.
That is the blessing, and on top of that, to be given the covering of new ark. Now we can identify with a place that can help us survive this kind of madness and storms that we need to make good on not developing in our own life personally!
In conclusion, here are facts about how to stop this country from being taken by the towerist government being put in place and emptying out the White House of those who may be infiltrating their thoughts, or the policies that the government shouldn't have.
This information, I am giving away as a scout seeking individuals to expose to the understanding of truth. Read this book and it will give you an outline or this manuscript that is a part of the book.
Now for those who may have stepped in a foxhole and a trap that are not aware of it, this could be a new reality that they need to take in as far as those who have been given the money and the opportunity to steal, also in a sense the finances through the latest PPC process that went down during the COVID environment that was put forth by/with president Trump’s administration.
Now at this time the current president Biden was not interested in pursuing the matter. But what will take place is once Donald gets back started quacking about things he may quack his way to the place where he wants those individuals to repay that money or go to jail, because he knows he's not going.
Now comes the setup: the victory belongs to the Lord's wisdom but the towerists facsimile of victory is trying to, unsuccessfully, stand up to the Lord's presence. You know what’s right and there’s nothing else to this!
I mentioned in an earlier statement, that this is an old problem that is an old curse that existed thousands of years ago and is still a part of the pattern of thinking and actions in today's human existence. It should have been brought forth in that time of existence. But people probably would not be able to accept it and they may still not be able to. What we can try to get them to understand is there may be a devil in their thinking, which comes from the Babylonian system that was put in place, which created towerism. This was due to the fall of a tower and people being disobedient in God's eyes.
Is this one of the biggest or best lie ever told? Or is this the truth? Could we consider this a conspiracy for the ages against those who needed the money? The money was given to those with the least opportunity to survive. Now comes paying it back - that will cause them to go into bankruptcy or the poor house. It will create more hate, mayhem, and chaos out here with those who are trying to pay it back. It may make more corruption, chaos, and confusion because they want to become even greater in finding a way to pay it back. Now that is why we must stop this mad link (president#45) to the White House, so we won’t deal with these unsolved mysteries.
What could be a product of Trump’s strategy to win the presidency? He is desperate so he can hold the country hostage. He can clear his trial problems and keep his freedom or have the government pay his bills. We can now have not only the strength but the ingenuity and persistence to see that it takes to work through all these delicate situations that the government has been put in a position in. Adding to that is handling that added dimension of what could have been stress disorder that is placed in the societal issues, with the negative energy that is being put into the arena. We can take it out of there and put a new dimension of energy to succeed with. We don't need the extra unnecessary negative energy from Trump.
So today in this country be honest - who is America’s Judas?
We are now workers taking the neighborhood on. We have many yards to complete. It is as if we are cutting grass, but we are cutting the weeds out of our society. One of the things that we must be aware of is anyone who got that PPP money may have a problem, because it is being spread through the grapevine that those people may be in jeopardy. If Trump gets back in there, he will want those people who receive that money to pay it back. What Biden said about it was “we're not going concern ourselves with that because it never should have been given improperly anyway.”
It is like a trap so pay it back or the only thing left is to be locked up if you cannot pay it. How many millions of dollars went into the black community? And if this becomes an issue where they must pay it back, what kind of stress it will put the urban communities under, that will create so many more problems. It will be a rippling effect of chaos, confusion, and more negative avenues of misguided understanding between people. That's why we must vote. We must vote to not let him get in and we must tell all of those who consider not voting to vote. This will eliminate the snake eyes from the con game. That means if you think you may be under the hammer and it is going to drop on you, you may be right. If trump gets back in office, he may just decide someone was to pay for his mistakes.
Is it (or was it) a trap set by Satan releasing the money a long time ago for the people so that he could come back and spring his trap to lock them up in jail, so they can have possible sentences and cause a lot of chaos and confusion in the communities, even for those who are white who receive the money. Is this one of the biggest setbacks that America can receive and be put in place because the president does not have to do anytime for his crime. But he wants someone to do the time. Is that someone me, you, or someone else who doesn't deserve it? At the same time, those that do deserve it get away with it. If he does get back into office, then there is an opportunity not to have to face the negative.
Can anybody think about the effects of what this may do to a certain group of people? How many families will be affected by it? This is not just the poor less fortunate blacks, but some of the wealthy and even some of the individuals who had finances already. They all will be in a dilemma. So, do we want to take a chance on concerning ourselves anymore about this?
I hope this will be the last rodeo heading for the White House for the ex-president #45. You could say this is a message from a part of the burning Bush ministry, one of the rams that got out of the bush who is a good guy. Did this message come down through the grapevine or was it created by the presentation of love to stop a presence of madness from going throughout the country? We do not have to gamble with the dice and look at the snake eyes on anyone’s face that wants to have a boxcar full of individuals in a train heading to jail.
It is time to use common sense. You see, he is throwing everybody else under the bus just to keep himself free. What do you think he will do for people like you and me, when he has thrown, and is throwing, his own folks under the bus? The unrelated truth about cloud 9 is, it is a place where you can be what you want to be, and you will have no sense of reality. Could this be a towerist presentation of what they are about, to a certain measure? This is the place where you get higher and the bottom line is, it is a level of extending oneself beyond the realization of what problems they could cause for others.
The song did not fit today's reality but back in the day it was a movement. It was a strong song that took you to a place to leave troubled times and all those unnecessary issues behind. Do we want to go back there in our frame of existence? Have you seen what those who got left behind in that existence are doing now? Or did they die from drugs because they wanted that reality. That towerist presence of existence to a level of reality and pretending they are someplace else isn’t reality at all. Now they can stop because they can get on the mighty clouds of joy. They can get the closest thing to heaven that is heaven's gates, which is Kingsville, and relax in their mind. And not want something that they do not need, such as drugs lies and foolishness, etc.
We are removing the hammer that may fall and try to harm us. We are getting away from under the shadow and darkness and clearing the clouds that may want to throw out storms upon us. You are eliminating the fear of the unknown by stopping this ugly process in its tracks. You are the innocent one’s friends, and the innocent shall not be found guilty. We did not ask for this gift of money, we just accepted it, and we were taken advantage of in a blinding way because we did not ask for this. We are talking about the money that we needed to help buy groceries, to help pay bills, to help things in impossible times during the pandemic, because it seemed as if everything had dried up. But you know what they say about something that is free; it has a price to it. Now you are expecting to pay a price because we have been set up like a bowling pin and now you are waiting to be rolled over and knocked down in the gutter.
No, I do not think so! It is not going to happen, no! My life has meaning, my life has purpose, my life is not to be wasted because someone else had issues and wants to take them out on me and the public at large. We are not going to allow this scandalous process that will harm individuals who Satan has worked his plan through to be able to harm someone else's freedom. They are truly the ones who need to be incarcerated, the 34-hump camel. Now this is the straw that has been placed upon the camel's back and the camel will not place his ending of justice upon anyone else anymore. He has already caused of number of individuals to go to jail, to pay fines, and to lose certain liberties as Americans. Look how many individuals he has caused to lose their dignity, and possibly their minds to a certain degree? Only God knows and he knows the lives that were lost because of you too. So now we're going to make him a personal no show for the White House in a sense of not being voted for. This is his payback!
This is just one of the many unethical processes of negativity that must be dealt with. Only God knows who that one will be. We are not interested as long as we stop him from achieving this ultimate goal as a chronic presence of a human and that is to reach the White House and cause more corruption and destruction.
This message was brought to you by God unleashing his actions of truth upon the individual that is unworthy of a placement in such a high level of dignity! If we let this pass us up by not using the opportunity to stop him, we will get exactly what we deserve or what we got coming, living with something such as that. Do You deserve every bit of the crap, and the loss of your freedom, the loss of dignity, the loss of your income from being garnished be careful, and do you deserve this punishment? I do not think so. If we want to be that big of a fool for someone who is a foolish individual shame on us. Shame on us the first time, no shame on him. Now shame on us if we let this man in the second time!
This is ghetto logic. It does not take a scientist to understand it. To prevent chronicism, a sickness that some people place upon their own self by accepting the terms that Satan has put before them. What makes it so bad is we have had the opportunity to turn it down. So, who is now the individual that will walks around with that cloud of darkness on their face and clone it and hide it? They are carrying the chronicism of sickness within the state of darkness. Will it be you? Will it be getting high? Will it be another way to add a disguise to who someone really is? I do not know, but I know for sure it will not be me because I will be voting, without any substance to disguise myself. I'll drop the pen again I mean that sword that is striking Satan down out of his stronghold daily. In other words, it is the battle that I do not have to fight because the Lord has already won it and given me a way to understand the battle. Now I must take it or be about it, a new title of being someone who has ended any chronicism. Say what it is and act on what it is. Just the thought that you are smarter than you think you are!
It is a common misconception that we have in life to think we are smarter than we are. So, if you are not, as much as you could say then that blinds you from listening to the truth then read the scriptures in this information and maybe it will help bless you also.
This book that you are about to read has only a beginning and an end. The big deal is once you read it all it can help you detoxify, debrief, reset your mind on a positive level, and take away the negative contemplations that may be in the development of your principles of thinking. It can eliminate the dark side of reality that Satan has caused to manifest due to the lack of spiritual development in truth in the presentation of God's protection. Now we can replace that with the manifestation of the New Ark of Covering. That is one thing along with knowing we are learning the gospel. This way can stop violence on all levels to create a new way of living.
You could say this is a 411 about the 911 that's going on about this dreadful cursed disease called towerism. It is so contagious that it can create the wrong kind of change in people. That is why it has gotten the people of the Democratic Party possessed with it. They want the president to change his direction and leave his position. Can you see how devastating of a blinding force this can be? It can lead to the possibility of losing the election. And those who have it find themselves in a position of thinking they are in a righteous state of thought in their principles. They are on a foolish level of disturbing the peace and they don't know it. This is what I call the towerist overriding even the good in some people because it identifies with those who have it. They don't admit it now and possibly never want to admit it, even though they are on the same side as someone they're against. We look at this sickness as an unseen demonic force that can affect anyone. You could say they have got caught up in the vacuum of negative interest regardless of what the status or situation may be about!
What a way to turn the beat around and develop this new production. It is our time to dismiss our negative peace of mind that keeps us blind. It is our time to replace this old system of due diligent ways of not seeing. It is a New Ark of Covering that we can depend on to give us moral strength and keep us safe in our convictions. Then we will not be controlled by the unseen force as if it is threatening us to say, “I will put you in the pathway of carbon monoxide if you do not do as I say.” The ingenuity of Satan's plans has disrupted those who have a fellowship of love in their heart but have an uncontended presence of reality that they find themselves forced to deal with unknown pathways that leads them to their success. At the same time, it causes others to stumble and fall in their walk towards righteousness. The trials and tribulations we must take off each other and not allow to be a part of our daily growth pattern. It is only love doing its thing, it is only love that we're living, and it is only love that this comes from.
Please use this time in your life to regain a new state of mind that may have kept you lost in blindness and out of this kind of love and is needed throughout the world. Thank you, sincerely, ex-blind man who now can see his way through the darkness, not being perfect, but trying. I just found myself in another mystery of understanding. I thought I was complete with this document, but this had to be incorporated in it also. Can we now look at this as if Judas had to be sacrificed to tell on Jesus. Let's say Trump had to be sacrificed for us to understand this question. That means that someone had to go before others, as an example of what could be done to create good.
We are talking about two different episodes of situations on completely different levels on opposite sides of existence.If we look at the scenario that happened when the Lord had someone who basically told where he could be found. He did not have to tell the soldiers where Jesus was at the same time he did. Jesus decided to come down from his position in heaven to a physical place on earth to be a sacrifice for us to have the opportunity to go to heaven!
Can we say this is what we consider to be coining a new developmental process? If we allow Trump to not go to the White House, then he will become a sacrifice in a way where we can see what the curse was all about. It can be done on a greater level that can be removed from the people on a multitude of levels as if it is curing some type of leprosy on a mental and undeveloped sickness. So, he is somewhat of a blessing to us as you could say Judas was also., you could say in the worst way through this line of action and truth with wisdom that produced good results.
We can now look at this as if Judas had to be sacrificed to bring about the crucifixion of the Lord. Let's say Trump had to be sacrificed for us to understand this consequence of him not having the opportunity to cause more chaos and confusion by people recognizing him and then stop following him as if he was some kind of worship premises of existence. That means that someone had to go before others, as an example of what could be done to create good. He did not have to tell on Jesus to the soldiers. He did and was convinced by finances and its corruption of what finances does.
As we know the corruption and what it does to the 45th president, he would have to be sacrificed and not allowed to go to the White House because we do not need to play along with falling upon that curse any longer that can be removed from the people, so he is somewhat a blessing to us. You could say in the worst way though with good results. The consequences are divided that add up to an understanding that love can abound. What man meant for bad God meant for good! Therefore, now we can look at this scenario as if someone had a dirty job to do and it got turned around. Now this became a powerful way for the board members, meaning the other 11 disciples, to make a statement about his presence and how much he loves us, talking about the Lord.
I will not call Trump a psychopath as I look at him in a different mannerism now. I find that he is somewhat of a sacrificial goat, lol. If he becomes president again, he will be paid twice as much in benefits, almost a half million per year and that is one of his reasons for wanting that position. He is concerned about himself even though he does not want to share that kind of truth with anyone.
Therefore, we are understanding everything that is being put in front of us as if we have an invisible altar there where we can say we are worshipping the Lord. We can stop worshipping the lifestyle of the so-called rich and famous, that may not be rich but has a fallacy that is not the true kind of notoriety of knowing who they are by the public.
What song would I say that this reflects upon me? I think the song of the soul sister Aretha Franklin, “Ain't No Way for me to Love You if you Won't let me.” I feel that way about the ex-president in an equation of a forefather of the country. But we look at history and we don’t need more of it. We've had enough lately. I say this because if he won another tour of duty in the White House what a hell of a kind of history we would have in store for ourselves. That would be horrendous.
I believe I will drop the pen again which is the sword, because I figured I would have cut all the strings there is attached to the Trump odyssey. That has been used as a puppet by being dropped down into darkness because they are now falling back down in their place where they belong, some would say acting less than human. Can we honestly understand that this is a part of the book of life? What would your title be as you are named in it? It is one of the ungodly parts of it all of you having to cut the head off a snake to stop them from coiling around others and choking the life out of them.
Just as a murderer is put in prison and they sometimes need to be executed, we need to put a stop to this dreadful curse! Someone must be the sacrificial goat to stop the process of having so many others that do not deserve to be a sacrificial lamb for the worst reasons. Stopping this kind of scenario that brings forth the ideology of a jail sentence or hail sentence should not be included. In other words, moving forward does not include anyone’s activities to stop the freedom of a multitude of people from following suit and growing into that negative existence that loneliness of life sometimes creates in ways of stopping the progress of the wrong kind of love. This can leave someone in a lonely space that wants to create the wrong kind of love while thinking it is the right thing to do. In other words, make the amount of illusion where they continue to think they are winners. They could be blind to their own truth, and God's knows this kind of person does not care about God's truth.
We should not act like we have turned a deaf ear and a blind eye to the foolish ways of thinking. The Lord said let my people go from this place of towerism, victimizing people with principles of darkness. We now have a sacrificial goat to use as an example to not stay on a foolish pathway of existence. As a multitude of people and in Jesus’ name, we are claiming this victory, Amen and Hallelujah.
Muse news to use - this is a decree that has been pronounced upon humanity by the Lord. The more that we individually or collectively take down the towerist curse out of society forefront, the more people will be blessed that receive that endowment of positive power that was exchanged for the negative power that some misuse or took advantage of others with and had no sense of control over. We have the privilege of knowing these things along with seeing how they work as witnessing to them. Therefore, we have more to share, more to enjoy, more to live for, and less to concern ourselves about that is not right by keeping it from taking place in our lives.
The love that these words create came to us by way of the ability to become a part of a spiritual think tank, that is a gift from the Lord! Now a question I have, how many levels of gratification can we have to share with each other from this one division of thinking? It seems as if it is almost unlimited would not you say? We can learn how to adapt constantly to change with the ways to improve our future, just by knowing we can stop the decline of the life we all are sharing.
People please do not let this be like a fistful of sand that slips through your hands. Can we now look at the scenario that just happened on Saturday 7/13/24 about the situation that the president had in Pennsylvania. Would that say that he really needs to step back and find a new pathway?
This can be our wakeup call that some are acting blind about!
The ungodly scenario about this young man that had been bullied in life that tried to kill one of his kind as a bigger kind of bully is, did they have an unnatural link to each other? Only God knows.
The attempt on the ex-president’s life did not help make the way people think better, it seems it may have only made it worse. It has put some of them into a place that has stopped their thinking on a logical level. To believe or think anyone is superhuman is ridiculous, and by the grace of God this bullet did not kill this man.
Though it pushed some of the people into a place that stopped their thinking on a logical level seemingly, bringing out more and making people more attracted to the towerist in Donald Trump, the man. That convinces people to follow him even more. This is part of the illusion that Satan places in front of people and cannot be healthy because he preys on them in the state of spiritual blindness that is a part of spiritual poverty.
The fact of the matter that the 45th president called for violence during the Jan. 6th insurrection, and it has looked back into his eyes, but does he know it? Let's go to the ballot box instead of using bullets to solve our problems in politics!
New ways are going to be deployed to stop disrupting people's lives. But the new ways must be understood and knowing what happened in the first place. It is not a pleasure to talk about or write about things that I have to say sometimes. But if it can make someone into a new kind of hero, they will learn how to protect themselves, and that is one of the world's biggest problems because those in spiritual poverty do not know how.
My answer to why the shooter tried to kill the ex-president was because he was living in a state of spiritual poverty. He was acting in front of his own kind, attracted to his own kind. He wants to rise to the top where he wanted to be. He was stuck in a high place where the demons wanted him to be, using the building he was on as his tower, which he had to fall from due to not using God’s principles or the lack of understanding them!
The shooter may have wanted to use the death of this ex-president to propel his likeness and become some kind of martyr, by knocking off one of his own kind, in this world even if it cost him his life. This is the likeness of a baby towerist trying to reach up into a tower to dive there for the sake of recognition and wrecking a nation, by using his own kind of madness as a tool and instrument to get there, using the ex-president as his crash dummy to a way possibly into hell to cushion his fall!
I am not perfect, and I may make a mistake in my thinking. If I do, I apologize but I am only using the godly logic as a spiritual think tank to express what I feel is true. (end of part 1)
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