A way to help stop the bleeding of hearts. You could say! The bleeding was because of what can be now changed, by the prevention and stopping of the death of loved one!
This is the end of the book so you will have to order the middle section. We have put some odds and ends on some of the other pages in this website. This is phase three of book one that came under this construction of the Holy Spirit.
A warning from God - know this truth!
This is an excerpt from one of the books authored by Minister Bush.
That is helping with the prevention of disaster.
The organizing of this plan was not man’s doing; it is a Godly presentation.
Can this be considered a revelation that can prevent a revolution? Could this be looked at as a kind of parable that we could use as a scenario to show the illustration of what is taking place?
This is a reality of mine - I am bearing my soul about the pain that I feel sometimes today and have been feeling somewhat all my life about people's family and friends, who have lost their loved one from homicide. From something that could have been prevented. This has guided my abilities to help others to see their way out of this darkness of harming someone. That's why I'm opening this part of this web page to help as many as I can to help somebody else to know love will conquer that senseless darkness that will help save lives.
To the American people: what is one of the greatest fears we should have now? It is the fear that we have now been made aware of. We have been blessed with a New Ark of the Covering. Even though this ark has been here all along, it is just now being given to us. I believe it was not revealed before now for good reasons that I can't totally explain, but I may be wrong being that I am human.
We are talking about something that we need to fear. If the Lord has presented us with such a great honor as a blessing and we do not honor it as a blessing, then we will have repercussions from it. It can become a downfall to us that can stop, slow down, and hurt the progress that we need to be making in America.
Eli was overseer of the Ark of the Covenant as the priest to get protected by it and knowing how it should have been protected by him and he allowed his sons to oversee it and him knowing they were towerists with them displayed acts of ungodliness.
He accepted the position to honor the gifts for the Lord that the people were bringing, their offerings and sacrifices too. But the two sons did not present them to the Lord. The sons, being priests also, took and used the Lord’s gift’s selfishly and their father ignored the fact. The people were disappointed about the fact that their father knew about it and did nothing about it at all. That put him in the position where the Lord was disappointed in him too as a head of the people, as a judge.
Then the people started turning away from honoring the ceremonial time at the Ark that was in a place called Shiloh. And a lot of people would carry around dislike and develop a negative tradition of worshiping other gods. It got out of hand and more of the Lord’s people stopped giving honor and support and respect for what the individuals who oversaw the Ark of the Covenant at that time, or caretakers were doing.
Then they who were innocent understood that they were supposed to be protected by the Lord through the Ark’s presence in the place that the Lord had allowed it to be. The worship connection was broken and the bond between God and people became separated because of certain people’s actions.
The Lord provided a bitter lesson to all the people that were at the first war between the Philistines and the Israelites. The innocent and children along with the bad people had to face war. They also lost the Ark of the Covenant because it was taken from them in this war.
Knowing these facts now, we should never let a few people spoil it for a multitude. In other words, don't allow nations to be in jeopardy because of someone wanting to portray a demigod, as a great person that has the credentials of a false prophet, with a curse having a crippling effect on people.
It also will reflect the blessings received from the Lord in a way that it may turn negative and cause problems in the land because of the disobedience of all who turned their back on the Lord and started acting foolishly. They allowed the towerist that happened to be the two sons (not the father) to misuse the blessings that were supposed to be gifts to the Lord, knowing that a father in retrospect lets his love get misused by the son or a daughter or anyone should never let it take place if it compromises the love for the Lord!
We need to see how powerful and dominating the negative force of towerism can be to someone. It makes them go against the will of God, when they are supposed to be of a priestly state of positive projections in life, as the priest Eli did by allowing his sons to take control of the ministry God gave him. What do you think it will do if you're just a normal kind of regular person going against a towerist? Will you allow them to control your life’s circumstances?
This is a curse that carries the power of Satan’s deception that has its origin being made known now as the Babylonian curse that came about because of being disobedient when God took down the Tower of Babel. Learn more about this and other books at BTHPM.
It is a fact that if you misuse the power that the Lord has blessed you with in the wrong way, you will be defeated in life some kind of way or even worse, find your defeat at death that you are not a part of heaven's presence.
Who is the negative force of energy that is causing chaos, confusion, disruption, and deception to the people that have them, you might say, trapped in a layer of darkness? These people need what I would consider to be known as a trumpectomy for the trumpitis that they have. In other words, they need to clean out the negative energy that has been dominating their conscious awareness to make the right decisions and become free of this bondage in that satanic process. And, of course, all will not agree with this but that is life. And no one needs to be subject to anyone else’s opinion because we all have our own, along with the worshiping we do as individuals, even though some are acting like they forgot the Lord is a jealous God.
The Israelites lost that war. What does that have to do with America? If we do not stop the wrong type of individual from running our country and we forget we are getting blessed and we ignore that, and they who we put in charge are taking advantage of the first fruit from the Lord in a sense, if we put them back in a position of power even though we know they are corrupt. It will be like bringing a curse to America, and there will be a war created within America or outside of America because America is ignoring the Lord's gift and not honoring him, as Eli did when his sons were supposed to be watching over the gifts that belong to the Lord that was there for all the people, and he did not.
This message is a reflection on the past that can be a reproduction of the future in a present-day manner. This is what we must open our eyes to, that is without site as we could normally see.
Therefore, we must not let anyone who thinks they are above mankind’s laws and can ignore God's laws to be put in a position to create and make laws of their own. They care less about what is already put in place by the Lord with his blessings. It is a kind of false prophet that will make us not only look like foolish people, but it will also be plainly known because they care nothing about the people who are to be looked after.
They will seek out to help the wealthy and the greedy and their sons and daughters.
Does one of the candidates to be president remind you of an Eli, with a combination using their sons who stole from the people right in front of their face and ignored God's laws? If so, then why would you set him in a position to cause more chaos? Because they have already proven themselves by trying to destroy a part of democracy. Do you think the Lord will allow this and ignore the people who are ignorant, because they had the opportunity to receive his wisdom and his love.
There will be repercussions as it was when the people of Israel went to war to fight against the warmongers known as the Philistines.
The Lord did not leave the people. He allowed them to learn a lesson. But the lesson that we may learn we may not come back from, because the Lord brought back those people of Israel and restored their warehouses, even though it seems as if these warmongers created issues still to want to fight against them. That is happening today, causing a catastrophe that is affecting another level of people.
Getting back to the issue at hand, when they lost God on their side, they had no choice but to lose. They did not know that was going to happen until the last few minutes. They were going to fall after they brought the Ark of the Covenant to the war scene.
To bring it full circle, if you do not own something in the first place and you take it, it will be returned to the rightful owner whether you are witness to it or not.
Now the Philistines had the Ark for seven months. During the seven months they moved it around. Every place the Ark went, people got gravely ill with tumors and died. They finally sent it back to the Israelites with a guilt offering.
The Philistines were afraid of what the Ark was doing to them. That is why they sent a guilt offering back, knowing that they had done something wrong to the real God.
Now as a nation of people, we in America do not want to deny our love for understanding this New Ark that the Lord has given us. We do not want to keep making a guilt offering in a sense.
Do we now see how many gifts we are giving to other nations and how many of them are guilt offerings?
Now we are ending the war that we have within that has some people's wanting to stay in spiritual poverty. We are ending war with this new Ark by making it fair to all in this nation and not allowing the tyrants that are filthy rich to succeed in not paying their fair share of taxes also from this understanding of the blessings. So, the world will not feel we owe them anything anymore because of our own guilt!
If we allow ourselves to be put in the same position as the Israelites, back at this time in history, we can look forward to losing our security. Because of our judgment that we ignored the negative leadership as was ignored when the Ark was put in place by the Lord. He trusted those who were supposed to take care of it so that it could take care of them. They failed and lost their blessings at that moment in time in history.
We can even go as far as saying some people living in a degree of spiritual poverty has cost them a big loss in their lifetime. No matter how much they appear to have they had little or nothing when the time came to leave this life.
You could say now that this will also be developed on an individual basis to determine what your honor system is that you are sharing with the people that the Lord has anointed you with. Looking on both sides of the coin whether it is with the people of wealth or people who don't have much wealth!
Who needs to take a trip to Shiloh in the presence of their imagination so they would not make the same mistakes as others have done in the past and are making now?
Can the United States afford to lose any kind of godly blessings that have been given to us, because of a towerist individual who doesn't have any childlike Godly references in their character? But they do have childlike, foolish, ignorant references in their mindset of who they portray themselves to be.
This is a beware sign that foretells the ugliness that can take place if we don't bring ourselves out of darkness as a nation on this matter at hand to stop those who are living in a state of spiritual poverty from indicting the country in a way that would cause God to turn his back on us!
How much plainer can it get? We will add a few other factors to help you make your decision. We can get together and see what we need to do to not cause a curse to fall upon the USA.
The Devil is a lie (But Do You Accept it?)
There is a book also titled, The Silver Lining of the 45th President, along with that book titled, Escaping the Dark Side of the 2020 Presidential Election (And Everything Leftover from it's Through 2024). It can help open your eyes. The book that may help us understand this is also, A Trojan Horse of Peace. The Lord is not a respecter of people. So, will pride come to the people in America before they fall, that will harm the innocent and children? It is up to you and me to not let this happen with our vote. By Doing the right thing.
That reflects the levels of spiritual poverty back off one’s life on their own individual basis as their faith and belief builds their protective shield against any of the ungodly!
Know who ever does not fear the Lord is bound up by Satan with the fear to leave ityou, do not get left behind.
Footnote: was Eli first to be appointed to take care of the Ark and failed? Will we be the first to take care of this new Ark, and will we fail? To be or not to be? That is the question. Along with the fact that there may be people who just don't want to believe that this can be true. That someone in this time in this century has been charged to bringing forth this kind of presentation of God's love!
It is understood that all people are entitled to their opinion and there's always a decent way to express it. So, I'd like to believe with my faith that this Ark is also a vision that floats on the clouds that has everyone's mind and heart and spirit contained in it. That has the love for the Lord in line with his presence in their daily living.
Now the question I have is should we be trusted with this new gift? Or will it cause us to betray ourselves in different ways to one another in America?
I say this with honesty for the caring of people because every time an Ark was presented to mankind there was some negative condescending. Because some of the people did not protect themselves and gave a falsehood to its reality somewhat.
When Noah built the Ark, those around him and some of his family thought he was foolish. Maybe there are some people who might think I am foolish too. When the people of Israel got the Ark back there was some of them who acted foolish, and the Lord caused 70 of them to die.
They knew that it had caused another group of people to become sick and die because they had stolen the Ark from the Israelites. Therefore, what we must do is pray to God that we know how to receive and understand this new Ark that he has given us as a measure of his love! Mankind cannot give us every answer to all the questions, but the Lord can, and he will if you ask him sincerely.
I am looking at this through many angles and came up with only one if we succeed and allow this gift to manifest, then we will not have to go to war in any way. Look at all the peace that will be developed to be shared on our home front here in the USA. If there comes a time let it be known to allow the Lord to fight for us in many ways so that America stays in a position of authority in the world as it should be!
Some people may have to wrestle with an angel to get the right answer because of them not being able to discern who may be right or wrong as a presidential candidate. So, today think about who will be the least that will create more detriment that needs to be chosen between both representatives, since it seems as if they both have a little or more of Eli and his sons in them now compared to who has the most. So, choose right!
Side note - just a thought that I wanted to share. It is so magnificent how the Lord protects all the animals from not being harmed by the eclipse. But people can be harmed by it because they need to have their warnings messengers, we can identify with them as the, Cupits generation set up. And acknowledge them to protect themselves also, because the Lord relies on you to use your common sense with his love!
If we do not protect the blessings that are the gifts from God, who will? What are the gifts? They are the beautiful people and nation called America. The same goes for the gift of the new ark if it is not us.
This is a part of a divine order that was placed in our care as a conduit of love.
There are so many freedom trains, and we can consider this a ride upon the freedom clouds!
I made this statement because I am considered a cloud walker, being a part of the descendant of a native heritage.
This love in motion has given a way to acknowledge the pieces of this picture or vision of information that has been developed in a way of each page on this website being utilized as a priceless gift of a scroll of love in action. Read all the pages and you will find this to possibly be one of the greatest tools that comes with no charge. It is a part of Father God and Mother Earth’s gift to us.
If anyone wants to know how come the webpages are so long, some are a part of a book to increase and protect life.
You may find one problem with this dimension of work. A lot of people are looking for too much of a good thing in a short frame of existence. This did not develop in that mannerism, though if you start off at one frame of work at a time you will find that it would be much more expedient in a way of gaining more than you may think you can.
There are two different pathways to travel, and you may wind up on both before it's over. One is to gain knowledge immediately. The other is to be able to book a trip somewhere to help yourself find a new place of freedom and peace. The web pages give guidelines and ideas about what ticket to buy, even though one of the tickets has been paid for already if you're reading this!
We are trying to help you as much as possible to book the right trip, that will always keep you posted to go into heaven’s gates one day.
It is faith that put together this beautiful way to present all these facts at this point and time in history. So, we hope you will try to understand the ones we have brought forth!
There have been priceless nuggets of wisdom placed throughout this website, which may seem like a treasure map. I hope you use your time to discover all of them that you need!
If you read these pages and don't understand it, there is more information in volume two of the book, Save Yourself from Committing Homicide. That will help you with what could be considered a fourth document of valuable knowledge with the other three books that are presented in a two-set volume. So please keep following this path having an open mind.
I would also like to extend a special invitation to all those gangsters, thugs, pistoleros, and individuals who are robbing and stealing, using guns to commit crimes, to see what it feels like to add an extra measure of God's blessings and his own special kind of insurance to make your life better. Never stop knowing God is with all who wants to accept his love and he accepts you exactly the way you come to him with an open heart.
You can find additional knowledge to help you with the division that took place in our history as humans and showing ways of putting it back in the right order. That can be found in the second part of this book, such as what we're referring to in the next paragraph.
That will make things better, seeing clearer pathways toward making life better in the future. I say this because the biggest separation of people came about because of towerism. If you get a chance look for 611 in the volume to up the book. That will be the code number that it will be under.
Therefore, giving reverence to just this knowledge alone helps bring unity to help stop mankind from killing one another. It creates a new level of peacemakers in the world. If you find anything repeated, I apologize.
The first book in the two-set volume should have been enough to help someone want and know to keep their hands clean from doing some type of devilish dirty deed with them as far as taking someone’s life. If that is the case, the second book will help make sure that not only the hands stay clean but the fingernails too. Toenails are optional because they should be in the sand on the beach sometimes, that maybe a part of a Lol moment.
Thank God if you have come this far in this study, you have reached a milestone that consists of introducing yourself to the good spirit in you. This is a part of the grace that you can now share with others. It was constructed from the godlike spirit in you, with the Holy Spirit that communicates with you and the spirit man you have in you to help you reach out and develop new avenues of love and growth in the world. That shows the best part of who you can be with the life you have been given.
The people who know now to not fight back with hatred are not afraid. They have God's strength not to. That can be a way to show someone the fear of the Lord. That can be a big part of what is missing from their life. One of the pathways to the Lord’s wisdom and love is by you having true reverence for him.
You can help put parts of this puzzle back together!
You could say that all the books that have been authored and are at BTHPM, are like creating a domino effect to knock blindness out of your way to stop and take down Satan’s strongholds.
In retrospect, they are also like every time you read one book you have put together another piece of the puzzle to declassify the mystery of darkness which is of Satan's negative principle.
There has been a smorgasbord or plethora of information within the books put together for people, and avenues of ending the negative issues in life, that comes in retrospect of eliminating spiritual poverty.
One way to eliminate spiritual poverty is by showing people ways to obtain and stop the possibility of an uprising of the savage beast within people. That is why I coined the word humanimalism to explain it in a way. We are not trying to radicalize people we are De-radicalizing people with this explanation and possible new understanding. It helps freeze frame the actions of someone that goes out of control in a anti-peace ungodly rages.
This truth also adds the one factor of you being able to utilize your spiritual intuition, which is a placement of security that keeps people growing strong in the name of the Lord. It gives us a degree of the Lord's insight into truth and justice for all people.
It is time to stop being morally and spiritually repressed and bankrupted about your future and unsavory with the new knowledge that gives you love. We can stop doing modern repetitions of behavior like the negative actions in our society today. This is what some people are doing from not having a conscious spiritual vision. They do not use a moral compass of trusting oneself. We can learn how to figure out the worst of humanity that is in us, then create a balance that was not created in our forefathers with our faith. That can show up with a new spiritual presence that has been cleansed by the Lord to succeed in all manners of life.
Now you can apply to the unified body of Christ as we grow ever more daily!
If there is a gift in front of someone and they may need it and ignore it, they are foolish within their mind, heart, and spirit. Do not be dubious about this please!
This is all a part of the new ark encounter!
I hope what you encountered lately is this new clarification for your life. If you are one who need it so that you have no more fear to shout out Amen and hallelujah from time to time. Now knowing the best is set to come!
This is the essence of the spiritual think tank that is only a two people band.
Know that God will not leave you or forsake you, but he will wait on you. But don't make him wait too long!
A true story for you from BTHPM, to know that you are loved.
The strategies for ending gun violence have been put on the table. The blueprints have been drawn up and are in tune with this reality. It is time to end the drive by ride or die practices of ending lives and begin the walk and talk energy to produce the right kind of results. People can now understand that it is okay to make a mistake. It is even okay to not debate when you are wrong about something or if someone else is wrong and it will possibly cause a heated miscalculation of actions. You could say we can become a part of the divide and conquer, that freezes the actions from happening that may harm someone.
To make sure we did not leave any stones unturned if anyone happens to be in law enforcement, we are now using the “I'm not going to have a wolf pack mentality” also included by the law enforcement agencies, or “I will not join in and create more rhinoism to run throughout the city with excess speeds that may harm someone chasing someone in an automobile.”
There are even books specifically geared towards law enforcement officers that are available. One titled, A Peace Offering for the Police and People, another titled A Wakeup Call for the Police, and there is one more. These are the way that we can make sure that even those that supposed to be on the right side of the law understand better how to stay there to help stop the senseless killing of innocent people with their weapons and with their automobiles in pursuit of others!
We are showing people ways of obtaining the stopping of possible uprisings of the savage beast within them. We are not trying to radicalize anyone in any way. We are also adding the one factor, the spiritual initiative that creates a placement of security that keeps people going strong in the name of the Lord.
It’s time to stop being morally and spiritually repressed about your representation. And unsavory with the new knowledge that gives you love. We can stop doing modern tensions behavior like that in our society by now representing respect today. Because this is what some other people are doing out of a non-visual consciousness. That does not use moral compasses of truth in oneself. We can learn how to figure out the worst of humanity that is in us and create a balance was not created in our forefathers with our faith.
Now look ladies and gentlemen we have a new vision now is the time that we can now see on the other side of darkness into the light!
Therefore, here is where we are as a people there are some who were given a covering. There were some that were not it seems as if I am like those that were not, but I got to start being train up as a child that give me a start in understanding God's truth and love. This can come from the parents teaching the child or going to a House of worship.
Now what happened to those that did not get a start have to find a start because they did not receive the covering possibly in a blessed manner as some did. The reason for that is because if some had been given the fullness of covering, they would have possibly thrown it away wastefully. As we can see unfortunately, when gifted people waste their gift and take it to the grave.
That is why some get stuck up by Satan locking them in the towerism state of existence because they possibly may have a covering. Therefore, their requirement is to study to be approved to receive a new kind of covering. That can free them just in case they may not know that they are trapped in that terroristic darkness, that can harm others. This is what this is about in a sense of a godly perspective of his reality I believe. The opportunity is here for the studying and being approved to get the grace and mercy on an additional level of God's covering! Therefore, what this is saying is you can receive more as a covering than those possibly who received one in the beginning because you grew to that level of approval in your spiritual quest to become more anointed in your faith and worship!
Now could we look at the fact that those who have a higher range towards criminal activity have had a gift, but they had turned it around in a manner of creating a downfall in God's principles of actions.
Looking at this truth those who are in a criminal element of existence have more of a better chance developing, A sane and not insane way of growing as a mature child of God. I look at the factors that put this into existence and there is one that I openly look at as a testimony to all. It was the disciples that the Lord chose to be a part of his ministry and spread this message throughout the world. They all may have had some negative alts or bad actions that took place by them in their life! That stop once they knew about the new love they could receive through the Lord.
If this presentation has given you an opportunity to develop a new pathway in a place in the sky of peacefulness. Then understand where this is coming from and go with this additional information.
Sometimes we are getting a break by not getting a break!
Do not let the dead soul sin-drome determine your life and/or future. Learn to protect yourself and others. The wickedness of foolishness comes from denying that you can accept the position of being used by someone such as Satan, in a way that does not seem real. It is the blinding force of towerism and darkness. That is why we need the Lord's covering to protect us and stop us from being raggedy and not weak from living in spiritual poverty. Could this be a part of the fact that if we are not careful, we can develop a filthy rag syndrome of our homes, not realizing that the Lord is pure, clean, merciful, and just.
People have been starting wars in place cause of Satanism and the dead soul sin-drome. As a process of personal growth, it creates a dilemma of you becoming a kind of individual who falls under the label of dictatorship that has been ruled by Satan's dieconomie of killing. It has an unholy effect on people who do not know killing will be a part of their downfall. That is why the Lord has answered prayers! The Lord has also made us privy to know of ways to prevent and stop wars. So, who will benefit from this help if mankind’s faithfulness falls short of what is needed to fight? Rally together and stop or prevent a war peacefully? If you are one of the few who are interested, this presentation can give you an opportunity, with good news to be useful that is made to help everyone that can start with America and work also with Israel. People do not need to have to let the enemy of the dead soul sin-drome determine their life and control them.
That creates an enemy within called Ityou, a division of Satan that can reside in someone. That will always have you thinking you are right when you are not. That’s why we need to unveil a new process that helps your heart to go to Kingsville. It welcomes everyone know this in your heart and say it to make sure that it is embedded in your mind’s eyesight to victory.
Lord, please protect my heart, mind, and eternal spirit from this process of falling into a trap of darkness that looks like light. I will not be a part of the annex of hell on earth. This is what it truly is that cannot be seen but can be the biggest problem for someone, if they get caught out in the wilderness of life without the armor of the Lord's protection.
Today, where do I go first? I go to the place of the covering, or to Kingsville. You can go to both at the same time, that are the Lord’s annex. He has two. Satan only has one, the dead soul sin-drome annex. They are on different sides of the universe thank God.
To have a copy of the insight to understand how to stop wars at the same time discontinuing a large measure of sin that's taking place in America. You can request a copy of “A Prescription to Stop and Study War no More” at boundtoheaven.org.
See and Say!
Will you let this message you are looking at walk and talk with you? The great thing about this message is no one must be a scholar to understand it!
It is my belief that the Lord gives us the best plan for living that can ever be followed. So, give him what he asks of us now, so you do not pay for your mistakes later!
I do want to take this to heart - when there is post-traumatic stress disorder that is developed because of societal issues regarding the government, I believe that the criminal element rises, as we witnessed on January the 6th. That's why I figured if we clear up some of the negative avenues of America's issues it will make things better in all people's lives!
I have tried to make this serious matter turn into a delicate part of our growth using a way to give this tender loving care to use in life.
This may seem like it is an ending, though it is the third time of the beginning also. It is my wish that this helps you put the missing piece in place!
That can take your mind from what could have been a problem for you and help to fix what could be a problem for someone else.
I wish you Godspeed to whatever deliverance you need to have made in your life by the Lord!
Bro. Tracy E. Bush,
A peacemaker and brother’s keeper
Copyright © 2019 Bound to Heaven Publishing/Ministries. All rights reserved.